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What's Interesting:velvet quilts


52/53 Chora Rasta, Jaipur-302003

Starts from Rs.1000



Review of SML Razais shop in Jaipur

Jaipuri razais or quilts are very famous. SML  Razais is in chauta Rasta in the old city.These are very light quilts, the type you would like to cover yourself in a room with air-conditioning. The quilts are weighted, such that they could be a 5 kg or 1 kg quilt. The weight refers to the weight of cotton stuffing inside the quilt.

The quality and weight of the stuffing will determine the price. The quilts comes with cotton, silk and velvet covers. The cotton quilts are the most sought after.

Quilts are quintessential Jaipur shopping items.

SML (Shyam Sunder Murari Lal Lashkery) Razai is one of the Best Razais Shop in Jaipur.

3.2/5 - (8 votes)

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