Christmas Gifts

TOP 15 UNCOMMON GIFT IDEAS & Christmas Wishes

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Christmas holidays are here. It is time for vacations & celebrations.


For instance, it is that time of the year when we  eagerly anticipate going on holidays with friends & family. In other words, flying half way across the globe was an exciting ritual.


Why not celebrate Christmas with the festive cheer & joy in another way?  Let us gather together as a family & celebrate Christmas.


While Indians celebrate Diwali and Holi in a big way, Christmas is not a big celebration in many Indian homes. That is understandable as India has a majority Hindu population. Christmas is largely celebrated by Christians and Christian run institutions like schools & colleges.

Here we tell you why it is a good  idea to celebrate Christmas in  your home.

Christmas Tree

Top 5 Reasons  FOR Christmas Wishes

  1. This  festival is about joy, sharing, gifting & family time. This is a universal message that we should teach  our children.
  2. It is an ideal festival for kids – decorating the Christmas tree with glitter & hanging  decorations, stars, buntings & lights.  Enjoy decorating the Christmas tree corner in your homes. In addition, get cut outs of reindeer, Santa Claus as well as stockings & gifts. Young children will be thrilled  to receive gifts from Santa Claus. Finally, the Santa story. Santa is supposed to arrive in a reindeer from Lapland and  slip down  through the chimney and place gifts in the stockings. Fairy tales and dreams is what childhood is all about. Therefore ,start your Christmas purchases now.

Merry Christmas

In addition, decorate your homes with scented candles & potpourri

CHRISTMAS SONGS & Christmas Wishes

  1.  Jingle Bells ,Jingle bells ,Jingle all the way-Oh what fun it is ,,,  -Sing  beautiful Christmas carols , dance & enjoy the Christmas fun at home. Christmas carols are beautiful and melodious. Listen to it on Google or Alexa or on your phones ,,
  2. Enjoy buying Christmas gifts for near & dear ones, including household help & staff. This is a great time to buy & share gifts. The Christmas presents are left near the Christmas tree for people to open. It is great tradition. Cardigans, cosmetics, jewellery, books chocolates & wine bottles all make for great gifts. Reflect on what each family member would need and choose meaningful gifts for everyone. has listed some unusual gifts for this Christmas season including newly released books. Check them out at the bottom of this article. After that, buy the gifts.
  3.  Finally, one can share old clothes, books & toys with children who are in orphanages and cannot receive parental love & support. Buy blankets for the poor. Distribute food & clothing There are several organisations that take in old & used clothes& household goods. Bring cheer & hope to others this Christmas.

Buy plum cakes and puddings  and enjoy  warm sangria or mulled wine, if you like it. As the  popular Christmas folk lore has it,   it is Joy to the  World, the Lord has Come and Heaven & Nature Sing.

Merry Christmas

Let us bring joy in our own lives and to the lives of people who surround us.

Top 15  MERRY CHRISTMAS gifts for everyone

1. WALVIA 3D USB Rechargeable Moon Lamp         

Merry Christmas    

2. Magic Glass Mirror Photo Frame with LED Light

Christmas Songs

3. Build with Lego   Christmas Tree

4. Musical Instrument For Kids Christmas gifts

5. Build Your Own Robot Kit   

Christmas Gifts

 6. Women’s Watch, Perfume and Wallet Set

Merry Christmas

7. Presenting unusual books from Amazon

Merry Christmas

8. Bluetooth Speakers

Christmas Songs

9. Mason Jar Indoor Herb Garden

Merry Christmas

10. Recycled Bottle Season Chimes

Christmas Songs

11. Nordic Tea Light Trough

Christmas Tree

12. Personalized Christmas Wishes Cushion

Christmas Tree

13. Personalized Couple Set Champagne Glasses

Merry Christmas

14.  Personalized Pen drive

Christmas Tree

15. Layer Bamboo Plant Christmas Wishes

Merry Christmas

Shopkhoj Wishes you a MERRY CHRISTMAS


Read our other Christmas Blogs 

10 Best Markets For Christmas Shopping In India

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2 thoughts on "TOP 15 UNCOMMON GIFT IDEAS & Christmas Wishes"

  1. brainwalletchecker says:

    Bravo, what are the right words … great thought

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